日本財団 図書館


(5)Names and qualifications of pilots;
(6)Names of persons accompanying the pilot during the flight, and the purpose of said accompaniment during the flight;
(7)Other pertinent information.


(Previous Arrangements for Formation Flight)
Article 193. Matters on which previous arrangements shall he made by pilots-in-command in accordance with the provisions of Article 84 paragraph 2 of the Law shall be as follows:
(1)Summary of the formation flights to be made;
(2)Types of formation;
(3)Methods of turn and other maneuvers;
(4)Signs and their meanings;
(5)Other pertinent information.


(Goods Prohibited for Carriage)
Article 194. Any goods as specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of transport under article 86 paragraph 1 of the Law shall he as prescribed in the following subparagraphs:
(1)Kinds of gunpowder -- Gunpowder, explosives, fireworks and other incendiary. materials;
(2)High -pressure gas Any materials which have a vapour pressure exceeding 300 Kilopascals (Ka)at 50 degrees centigrade or vaporizes completely at a pressure of 101.3 Kilopascals (Ka)at a temperature of 20 degrees centigrade and listed in any of the following categories;
a)Flammable gases - Gases for which the lower limit of the ignition point is below 13% when mixed with air at a temperature of 20 degrees centigrade and a pressure of 101.3 Kilopascals (Ka)or gases for which the difference between the upper and lower explosive limit is over 12%;
b)Poisonous gases - Gases which induce severe toxicity when inhaled;
c)Other gases - Any gases, other than a)or b), with pressure more than 280 Kilopascals (Ka)at 20 degrees centigrade, or liquefied gases;
(3)Flammable liquids - Any liquid with a flash point (referred to as a flash point by means of a closed-cup tester, hereinafter the same shall apply)below 61.5 degrees centigrade (excluding the case when the liquid with a flash point over 35 degrees centigrade and recognised as having no continuous combustibility is transported at a temperature below the said flash point)or any liquid material with a flash point over 61.5 degrees centigrade (excluding the case when the liquid is transported at a temperature below the said flash point);
(4)Combustible substances - Substances listed in any of the following categories;
a)Combustible solids - Any solids, likely to ignite easily in the presence of a fire, etc. and liable to succour fire in the case of a fire;





